Kata Ganti (Pronoun)
Personal Pronoun adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menggantikan orang, benda, binatang atau hal lainnya. Personal Pronoun bisa digunakan sebagai:
- Subject Nominative (Subjek Pelaku)
- Object Accusative (Objek Pendirita)
- Possessive Adjective (Kata Sifat Kepemilikan)
- Possessive Pronoun (Kata Ganti Pemilik)
- Reflexive Pronoun (Kata Ganti Refleksif)
Keterangan Subject Object Possessive Adjective Possessive Pronoun Reflexive Pronoun Aku / Saya I me my mine myself Kamu / Kalian you you your yours yourself / yourselves Kami we us our ours ourselves Mereka they them their theirs thirselves Dia (Pria) he him his his himself Dia (Wanita) she her her hers herself Dia (Benda/Hewan) it it its its itself
Kata ganti sebagai Subjek
Orang ke Tunggal Jamak 1st I We 2nd You (kamu) You (kalian) 3rd HeSheIt They
Kata ganti sebagai subjek ini diletakkan di awal kalimat. Untuk lebih jelasnya, bisa diperhatikan contoh-contoh dibawah ini:
- Toni is a student. = He is a student.
- Ayu is clever. = She is clever.
- Toni and Ayu are smart. = They are smart.
- You and Roy are sleepy. = You are sleepy.
- My mother and I are inhere = We are in here
- The cat is funny. = It is funny.
- The cats are funny. = They are funny.
Kata ganti sebagai Object
Subject Object I me you you we us they them he him she her it it
Kata ganti sebagai objek ini diletakkan setelah verb (kata kerja) dan setelah preposition (kata depan)
Beni calls Susi .
Beni calls her.
I call Brian
I call him
They know Toni and me.
They know us
We help our parents
We help them
I like a cat
I like it
Possessive Adjective
Subject | Possessive Adjective | Contoh Penggunaan |
I | my | My pen |
you | your | Your pen |
we | our | Their pen |
they | their | Our pen |
he | him | His pen |
she | her | Her pen |
it | its | Its pen |
Apabila menunjukkan milik tidak menggunakan kata ganti (pronoun) diatas tetapi menggunakan nama atau kata benda,
maka digunakan apostrophe (tanda ‘) ditambah s dibelakang nama atau kata bendatersebut.
Contoh: Fatih’s book (bukunya Fatih)
Tetapi jika noun tersebut sudah ada “s” diakhir katanya, maka cukupditambah dengan tanda apostrophe (tanda ‘) saja.
Contoh: My parents’ house
- My parents’ house (Rumahnya orang tua saya)
- Sulis’ book (Bukunya Sulis)
Possessive Pronoun (Kata Ganti Pemilik)
I | Mine | Milikku |
You | Yours | Milikmu |
They | Theirs | Milik mereka |
We | Ours | Milik kami / kita |
He | His | Milik dia pria |
She | Hers | Milik dia wanita |
Perbedaan antara Posssessive Adjective dan Possessive Pronoun
- Posssessive Adjective diletakkan setelah noun. Contoh: This is my book.
- Possessive Pronoun diletakkan sebelum/tanpa noun. Contoh: Thisbook is mine. / This is mine.
B. Interrogative Pronouns
Yaitu kata-kata yang digunakan untuk bertanya.
- Who = siapa (subject)Who is he talking to?Who are those people?
- Whom = siapa (object)Whom are you playing with?Whom is he talking to?
- Which = yang manaWhich of these bags is yours?Which do you prefer?
- Whose = milik siapaWhose is this umbrella?Whose are these gloves?
- What = apaWhat is your dog’s name?What are you talking about?What is the time?
C. Demonstrative Pronouns
Merupakan kata ganti penunjuk. Yaitu kata: this, that, these, those.
Penggunaan this dan these ketika menunjuk sesuatu yang dekat. (berarti: ini)
Penggunaan that dan those ketika menunjuk sesuatu yang jauh. (berarti: itu)
Singular : this, that
Plural : these, those
Contoh Penggunaan:
Singular :This is a hill.
Plural : These are donkeys.
Singular :That is a mountain.
Plural : Those are horses.
Salam hangat,
Alam Santiko Wibowo
Founder Habits Tranz Theory.